Easter is a wonderful time of year! The weather is finally starting to get beautiful, flowers blooming and grass is for-reals-green. We had the wonderful opportunity to attend an Easter egg hunt put on by a local family. The son, Daniel, is now 16 years old and was in charge of the activities this year. His family has been hosting this at their beautiful home since he was 3 years old. We were able to meet a lot of the local blind children and their families. A few of the teachers of the kids came as well. It was really so neat to see so many different people with a similar obstacle in their lives.
We met one couple that were very similar in situation to us, with the most adorable little boy. He was almost 2 years old and having a lot of the same problems (like not wanting to walk) that Maggie did at his age. It was great to be able to comfort them, knowing that he’ll move past it. We were then able to receive the similar advice from people with children older than Maggie. She’ll get used to it, or get over it, or just deal with it. Most of them are picky eaters. Sigh. I guess that’s just something we’ll have to deal with.
The egg hunt was super neat! They had these small electronic devices that beep when you plug in a battery, inside a normal plastic egg. A few of the parents helped hide them around the yard, then they let the kids loose to go find them. It was so neat to watch the older ones run off in search of eggs. There were a couple eggs that talked as well. “Come find me! I’m over here!” Maggie was able to find one near the fence pretty quickly, and she was satisfied. Once she had an egg she was happy.
Watching the other kids was just a treat. One girl, maybe 10 years old, walked close by us near the end of the hunt and told us she’d found 14 eggs, then asked us to point her in the direction of more. Her dad had put a blindfold on her younger sister so that she had the same advantage as the other kids in finding the eggs. It was really cool to watch the blind sister help her seeing sister find eggs.
One of my favorite things was having Maggie show her cane to the older children. It’s the smallest cane that Laurie (Orientation and Mobility specialist) has ever made. They were all so surprised at how small her cane is! One boy, about 7 years old kept saying, “Wow, mine is much bigger than this. It’s just so small!” Here’s Laurie and Maggie.
Maggie and Daddy. They had a great little play structure in their yard. It was the perfect place to hide the eggs for the older kids.
Easter Sunday we had a little get together at our house. Brandon’s cousin and his family came over, as well as our neighbors. We love our little one. She’s just so sweet!
We had a little egg hunt in the yard for the girls; 2, 2 1/2 and 3 years old. Maggie found 2 eggs this time!
I left one out after packing up all the Easter décor. Maggie still asks me to hide it for her to find. She really enjoys it. They’re really just small maracas anyway.
That is genius...talking eggs! I looooove Maggie's dress. She looks adorable! And yes, they really are just tiny maracas...ours haven't gotten put away for this same reason :)